…so you're at the grocery store and you pull your wallet out extra early so the ladies in line can get a glimpse of your newest status symbol. This uber wallet has a place for absolutely everything. An outside cash/coin pocket for easy access to your money, tons of credit card slots (tell your hubby that it's just for your discount cards at the market), gusseted interior pocket for checkbook and register (or coupons)...and a lot more!!!
http://www.ju-ju-be.com/images/catalog_shots/thumbs/berich_inside.jpg Go here to see inside pictures if you haven't seen one before.
This contest will go until May 31st. I have won many contests and thought this would be a way to pay it forward.
1. Tell me about your favorite diaper bag! (one entry)
2. Link me to pictures of your favorite bag! (one entry)
3. Tell me about your ugliest diaper bag used! (one entry)
4. Link me to pictures of your ugliest diaper bag! (one entry)
*Pictures can be on FaceBook, or any photo site such as photobucket. If the winner is a picture one, picture will be validated before I ship.
I will pick a random winner on June 1st. Have fun!